We sat down with Barcelona en Comú activist Jasmine and had a conversation about the tactics and methods behind the meteoric rise of en Comú and the municipal movements in Spain.
[MUSIC] Allow yourself to be hypnotised by this musical journey into the heart of Europe and its crisis. A little peace, threats of breakup, optimism, madness, movements, trash, violence, joy – it is all there on the trans-europe express. But what is there when you wake up? PLAYLIST europa prologue – lars von trier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXlm3fS0VNs […]
[DE/ENG] Erinnerst du dich an Europa? Und an die sogenannte “Krise”? Das zweite Jahrzehnt nach 2000 war komplex und turbulent, keineswegs war damals gewiss, dass eine gesellschaftlich positive Veränderung in Europa möglich war. Nationalismen, Finanzchaos, Austerität, ansteigende Armut und Prekarität, Individualisierung und Einsamkeit, Politiken der Angst und Kontrolle – das stand in Europa damals auf […]
In this show we speak with Lithuanian activist and researcher Arnoldas S. about the social and political situation in his place of birth. Located at the margins of Europe, Lithuania has been a terrain of neoliberal experimentation and seen massive outmigration in the recent past. Praised for frictionless implementation of austerity policies in the crisis, […]
[DE/ES] In dieser zweisprachigen Sendung präsentiert sich Territorio Doméstico, ein Kollektiv von Haushaltsangestellten in Madrid, die sich rund um ihre Arbeit und Rechte selbst organisieren. Als Gruppe grossteils migrantischer Frauen veranstalten sie Treffen, Workshops, Pressekonferenzen, Aktionen und Demonstrationen, Modeschauen, usw. unter dem Motto der gemeinsamen Bestärkung, des Empowerments, des Austauschs und fröhlichen kreativen Organisierens. Hier hören wir […]
[ENG] In this show we hear from different struggles around healthcare in Europe, notably from Greece, Spain and Italy. Health is under attack everywhere in Europe, to various extents and in different ways. Starting from the concrete experiences of people organizing themselves as communities to produce commons we reflect more broadly about how the concept of […]
[ENG] This show features a radio documentary by Olivia Lemmens, called ‘Do You Remember?’ (2013). It tells of social and political struggles in the 1980’s UK, through a host of interviews remembering this time. Some speak of resistance, some of community, some of solidarity, some of defeat. How to bring memories alive for tomorrow? We […]
[EN, ES] This show features comrades from Barcelona and London, from the Grupo Esquizo Barcelona and Nanopolitics Group respectively. These two collectives have a practice of working on micropolitics, care and collective processes in common – colectivos acompañantes we might say. Speaking a mix of English and Spanish, we are talking about the practices of […]
In this show we hear about the protests that have been ongoing in Bulgaria since winter 2012, and the reasons why they are happening. Increasing poverty and rising electricity prices have brought many people onto the streets as the crisis makes itself felt in southeastern Europe. But while the shared demand of the current protests […]